London Saatchi Gallery Media Art Exhibition
Created by
Saatchi Gallery, London, UK
The Hope That Blooms Again at the End of Tragedy
Love is Fake, Love is Breath
In the Renaissance, Ophelia's innocent and chaste love in Shakespeare's fourth tragedy, Hamlet, ended tragically, and in the Victorian era, John Everett Millay beautifully sublimated Ophelia's tragic love with dreamy and romantic images. In the 21st century, CUZ reinterprets Ophelia's tragedy with immersive media art, "Love is Fake, Love is Breath" to deliver a new message of hope and healing.
In previous works, Ophelia's innocent love has ended tragically, but CUZ has expanded this narrative to create a hopeful ending that can be shared in the current era. By erasing the "Love is Fake" message that symbolizes Ophelia's suffering from the media artwork, a healing breeze blows through the space. A new figure of Ophelia emerges, radiating an inviting glow, conveying the story of hope that lies ahead.
What's remarkable is that, while faithfully reflecting the content of the original, the artist has also included new contemporary settings and elements such as artificial intelligence and robots to expand the story of the scene and create a fantastic image with a deeper meaning. The "mirror-like water," "silver branches," "corolla," "hem," and other symbolic flowers mentioned in the original story are depicted in tactile detail, along with the beautiful surrounding natural scenery. In addition, symbolic elements such as the giant fan, which brings a modern twist to Ophelia's tragic love story, are incorporated to create a more surreal scene. As a new wind blows and Ophelia is reborn on the shimmering surface of the water, we can imagine new possibilities and the future of humanity through social change and technological advancement.
The intricate symbolism found in "Love is Fake" offers viewers a unique opportunity to reinterpret classic works through a modern lens. This exploration not only enables a fresh perspective on timeless themes but also prompts contemplation about the novel ideas and aspirations embodied by Ophelia. Furthermore, it delves into the emergence and interconnectedness of innovative genres, including the fascinating realm of AI.