[Front Line of AI X Art #1] Artificial Intelligence and Media Art, Creative Art World

AI systems are becoming a part of everyday life. (…)
Join us in shaping the future of technology. -OpenAI

AI systems are becoming a part of everyday life. (…)
Join us in shaping the future of technology. – Open AI

AI, The Key To Realizing Value

Last November, ChatGPT appeared in the world.

ChatGPT, which 'provides natural and proficient conversations based on various online documents and data', this amazing artificial intelligence technology is making headlines in the world's media.

ChatGPT is a conversational artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI. It learns the user's conversation and answers 'like a human' to any question, from common sense to expert knowledge. Artificial intelligence, which devises an appropriate answer according to the context, has now entered the realm of creation. Some people are voicing their concerns about this. That's right, the art world.

Some artists say artificial intelligence could threaten the realm of art. However, if the development of artificial intelligence cannot be avoided, how about accepting artificial intelligence as a collaborator of art? Creative media art group CUZ intends to continue its attempts using artificial intelligence for a unique and creative world of art that did not exist before.

Image generated by artificial intelligence (Source: CUZ)

* The following articles are posts written by artificial intelligence using Chat GPT and Midjourney.

Media Art As Seen By AI

Hello, please introduce yourself.

Nice to meet you. My name is ChatGPT. I am a conversational artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI. You can converse on a wide range of topics and use your language understanding and generative abilities to answer simple to complex questions. Talk to us and we will do our best to help.

Do you know about the media art group CUZ?

Yes, CUZ is one of the media art groups based in Korea. 
Curz creates by converging art and technology to address issues arising in modern society, and through this, provides new experiences and perceptions to people. Kurz presents a variety of works and projects, and is receiving a lot of attention at home and abroad. Curz also plays a role in discovering and supporting promising new artists in the field of media art.

Source: cuz-art.com

Yes, that's right. Curz is running a blog, and I'm going to post on the subject of 'media art'.
If ChatGPT is a blogger, what topic would you like to write about?

If I were a blogger, I would like to deal with topics that are currently underway or expected to develop in the future in the field of 'media art'. For example, the impact of the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and media art, the impact of the development of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technology on media art works, the role and value of media art in modern society, etc. there will be Through this, I would like to increase my understanding of the field of media art and share my interest and passion for media art.

  1. History and Development of Media Art
  2. Interactive Media Art
  3. Media Art and VR/AR
  4. Media Art and Social Issues
  5. Media Art and AI

First, please tell us about the basic concept and history of media art from the perspective of AI.

Media art is a field that combines human creativity and technological innovation to create various forms of artistic works and cultural expressions. The basic concept of this media art is to provide new experiences and perceptions through interaction between people and technology, and to create artistic and creative results.

Image generated by artificial intelligence (Source: CUZ)

The history of media art began in the early 1960s with the development of electronic technology. Previously, traditional art forms were the mainstream, but with the development of electronic technology and the emergence of various media such as computers, video, sound, and the Internet, artists began to use them in their art works. In media art, the following techniques are mainly used.

  • Computer Graphics
  • Interactive Technology
  • Virtual Reality Technology
  • Sound Art
  • Electronic Music
  • Kinetic Art
  • Installation Art

Media art is an important field that converges various fields such as art and technology, humanities and science, explores the complexity of modern society and technology, and takes its place as an art field that deals with various problems and issues.

Among the media art works that have recently appeared since 2020, please tell us about three representative works.

1. Refik Anadol – “Quantum Memories” (2020)

Source: refikanadol.com

 “Quantum Memories” is an interactive installation based on data created by a quantum computer, not a general computer. When visitors to the exhibition provide their memories or keywords, digital images and sounds generated by the corresponding quantum computer are used to transfer data. It was created to recall the memories of people who visited.

2. Refik Anadol – “Machine Hallucination” (2021)

Source: youtube.com/@RefikAnadolStudio

“Machine Hallucination” is an interactive visual installation created by analyzing the history and cultural meaning of a building using artificial intelligence and deep learning technology. This work is installed inside a building of a railroad depot located in New York, and converts the inside of the building into digital images to create a space where reality and virtuality are fused.

3. TeamLab – Planets (2018 ~ ing)


Source: planets.teamlab.art

Planets is a large interactive exhibition held in Tokyo, Japan. Visitors can move their bodies to participate in large-scale digital artwork and enjoy a unique experience. This work was created using virtual reality technology, and participants can explore and experience the virtual world with their own bodies.

In addition to this, in recent media art works, many interactive works using technologies such as virtual exhibitions, AR, and VR are emerging.

thank you Lastly, please tell us about media art trends and prospects.

Media art has been constantly changing and developing along with the development of technology. One of the current trends in media art is the combination with artificial intelligence. With the development of artificial intelligence technology, the role of artificial intelligence in media art works is increasing, and artificial intelligence also plays a large role in the creative process. In addition, many works using new digital devices or media are appearing, and interactive works are developing further.

Image generated by artificial intelligence (Source: CUZ)

Also, in recent years, media art works have been converged with more diverse fields. Media art is actively utilized in various industries such as music, movies, and games, and the scope of media art is expanding.

The prospects for media art are very bright. Thanks to the development of technology and endless attempts and research by media art artists, many works offering new perspectives and experiences are emerging. Media art is expected to come out with more diverse and in-depth works along with the development of new technologies. In addition, as the importance of digital cultural content is further highlighted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, media art is expected to receive more attention and opportunities.

concluding remarks

Technology and art are like a double-edged sword. There are cheers and expectations, and there are also distrust and concerns. But the decision-making power rests with humans. CUZ hopes that through artificial intelligence, we will be able to approach projects that can make the right decisions to realize social values beneficial to all of humanity.
